M66 - Deformed Spiral Galaxy - Deep Sky Videos: Directed by Brady Haran. With Brady Haran, Liam Hardy, Mike Merrifield, Nik Szymanek.

Spiral Galaxy Messier .... Spiral galaxy M66 is shown in infrared light as seen by the orbiting James Webb Space.

Unusual Spiral Galaxy M66 from Webb Image Credit: NASA .... Messier 66 (NGC 3627), also known as the Leo Triplet, is a barred spiral galaxy located in the constellation Leo in the M66 Group of galaxies.. This image of spiral galaxy NGC 3627, also known as Messier 66, was captured by the Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxy Survey (SINGS) Legacy Project using the .... Messier 66 (usually known as M66 or NGC 3627), is a spiral galaxy located in the constellation Leo.

It forms, together with Messier 65 and NGC 3628..