ISPIN = 2 MAGMOM = 1.0 -1.0 0 0 encut = 500. KPOINTS comment 0 Gamma 3 3 3 0 0 0. These should be combined with a POTCAR formed from an Fe and O ....

0. A single k point in the calculation is sufficient. Calculation. By using the initial ferromagnetic initialization of MAGMOM = ....

In Web Elements, the magnetic moment of Fe is 0.096 μ/μ N. But in another source, it is 2.22 μ N per atom. Is there an "official" table of magnetic moments in .... cp -r /software/sse/manual/vasp/training/ws2020/fcc_Ni_rev .

... What happens by changing the direction of the initial magnetic moment, e.g.

setting MAGMOM = 1.0 .... The MAGMOM tag represents the initial magnetic moment of each atom, you can choose 3 for transition metal and 0 for nonmagnetic atoms..